Thread: Ancafe
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(#776 (permalink))
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ilovedaisuke7 (Offline)
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07-20-2007, 04:51 PM

Originally Posted by tinyjrocker View Post
Here's where I got it, on an AN CAFE LJ community, but you have to be a member to see the post.

If you see the post, there's 21 parts to download for disc on and 13 for disc too, if you go to the comments the nice member spikiegirl(here, but you must be member to see.) uploaded it to smaller sizes(5 for disc one, and 3 for disc two, and when you DL them all you have to use HJsplit to put them together, it's said in the main post.

Disc two is where they are all crying, it's soo sad.
*gasp* it doesn't work, i think i'm missing something. I made an account on the LJ, and then went to the link but for some reason it says "Error: You are not authorized to view this protected entry" wahhhh i really really really REALLY want to see this!!!!! ahh someone PLEASE help me! i'm like dying over here!!
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