Thread: Money in Japan
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samokan (Offline)
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07-23-2007, 07:41 AM

Originally Posted by Tyler View Post
I'm going to be in Osaka for a year for study so I won't be working. At least, not officially.
I talked to someone who went to the same school I'm going to be going to and she said she got an account with a bank near the university without much of a problem.
But, she said the bank card they gave her only worked with the ABM machines in the bank.
Not only that, but she said that bank hours are only during the times I'll be at school so its going to be a pain in the ass to do banking there. And when the bank is closed, the machines are closed too.
If you got problem get a MUFG ( mitsubishi card ). It's the one most companies use, and yes getting an account is easy , you only need 1 yen, ARC ( alien registration card ) and hanko

ATM's for MUFG are open from 7 am till 12 midnight, the main branches. Little ATM's are close around 9pm. But convenience store have ATM machines and they are open 24 hours so no problem there.

Be careful with the charges too. For MUFG, if you used the ATM's in the convenience store during weekdays from 9am -6pm, they are free. Am not sure with other banks though. Most banks charge 105-210 per transaction on the ATM machines found on the convenience store.

There is a bank , I think "Shinsei" ( sorry I forgot the name ), the ATM is operational until midnight and it does not charge anything. My Japanese friend is recommending it to me. Its practical to use for daily expenses.

Originally Posted by Tyler View Post
I looked into getting a credit card in Japan and it sounds like it would be pretty difficult for me to get one.
I read somewhere that some companies don't even accept applications from foreigners.
But I guess this isn't too big of a deal. It sounds like credit cards aren't too useful in Japan at the moment. I just wanted something for emergencies really.

Samokan: is that 1% a charge for wiring money to another bank? Thats not too bad!
yes credit card is difficult to apply here. but if you are in Kansai area, trying looking into PITAPA

yes its 1%, but I don't use it. I use transfer/wire money directly from MUFG to SMBC directly from ATM machine and I pay around 300yen flat, no matter what amount.

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