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whitetwilight (Offline)
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07-24-2007, 03:02 AM

Originally Posted by XjapanFOREVER View Post
Don't take this the wrong way ro anything, but I'm getting REALLY tired of people saying "I miss hide....." or "X won't be the same withoput him...."
or anything along those lines...
The way I see it, was he was a valuable asset, he was good on the guitar, but they WERE X before him and they're STILL X without him...
And they don't need 10 guitarists to take hide's spot, bring back Jun or Taiji..
I've seen Taiji play the guitar, and he's REALLY good..
I believe hide has been quoted saying "Taiji is the BEST guitarist in X"

I hope they come to the Northern Kentucky/Ohio area!!!!!
Ya, ya, I know it must get tiring to hear.
And X is still amazing without him, and I don't think they are any less without his presence.
I just miss him as a person, and musician who did alot for VK.

Anyway, we'll probably have to wait quite awhile before we see SKIN anywhere. You have to admit the AX performance was a bit raw.

~Visual Kei: My rockstars are prettier than yours~
Rulers of my heart: Bou(AnCafe), Maya(LMC), Aiji(LMC)

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