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JF Ossan
Posts: 12,200
Join Date: Jun 2007
07-24-2007, 08:12 AM

The simple act of writing the notes will help cement those concepts into your head. Keep at it. Evenif you don't look at the notes daily or weekly, just keeping a journal of your process is very useful.

Language learning, especially a language like Japanese for English-speakers, is probably the most challenging thing a mind will do. History, math, science...all these are built on building blocks that we have studied since birth.

When we try to learn a language like Japanese, on the other hand, we have to TOSS OUT all that we know about language structure. English has NOTHING to do with learning Japanese (and vice-versa) so really we have to make our minds like a baby in order to fight the urge to question the logic of these different grammar rules. The rules have been this way since birth! It's like saying "OK, from now on, the sky isn't blue. It is red." Your mind keeps saying "It is blue! It is blue!" But in this new reality of Japanese language study, it isn't.

It is a marathon, jogged. Not a sprint to the finish. Take your time and learn at your pace.
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