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(#7 (permalink))
sabrina (Offline)
New to JF
Posts: 15
Join Date: Jul 2007
07-24-2007, 12:35 PM

Originally Posted by Yggdrazzil View Post
Its a moderated board. Certain topics arent allowed, check the rules and see for yourself. (Im not stating that this topic is not allowed, merely that not ALL j-information is allowed on this forum, so im sorry but your "freedom of speech" is a no go.

3) when I meant nothing by the question
If you dont mean anything by it, why ask about it?
Not meaning anything by it means that I was sincere & genuine about the question, i.e. I did not have any hidden/concealed intentions. What's up with your attitude?

I understand you want to help move this forum why are you so hostile towards the newbies? Everyone starts as a do you expect us to want to stay [and help the forum progress] when we're being exposed to "regulars" such as yourself? I can only imagine how many potentially useful members you scared away...
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