Originally Posted by Hisuwashi
NO WAY!!! OOH I AM SO EVIL!!!!!!!!!!
Okay I am going to be sane now. Seriously I really want to go to Japan and see all these things. Heck, I want to live there in fact! lol
[...takes all the sugar inducing agents and locks up the room]
you need to some addiction help.
yeah, it would be great to live there. it really would. and hopefully everyone that hopes to live there at one point, will get the chance. But truth is, it'll rarely happen while in our younger years. simply b/c we're young and life gets in the way in the form of parents and discretion and whatnot. too bad eh? It only seems as fun when you're younger. lol, like going on a student exchange to attend school there for a year or something. ^^ (one of my regrets in life. mised out by 2 years.
