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JF Old Timer
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... - 07-28-2007, 04:15 AM

Originally Posted by kireikoori View Post
Well I didn't figure it was completely unpopular. But what about for adults? They make alot more more mature anime out there. In the US cartoons are simply for kids. Shows like The Simpsons and Family Guy are the exceptions.

I constantly hear that in Japan alot of the more mature themed Japanese animation shows are still aimed at kids. How large of an adult fanbase do Japanese cartoons have? And if it's popular with adults how does it's popularity compare with other entertainment like dorama?

Well Im not 100% sure on all those questions.
However, the really mature stuff is mainly aimed at teens, and the main audience is teens, there are anime that everyone has seen, including adults.
EVERYONE has seen the famouse Doraemon, and Sazae-San. Also everyone in Japan AND america has seen at least one of Miyazaki's movies. Also everyone has seen Shin-Chan. Also, directors like Oshi Mamaruo, and Satoshi Kon are both very famouse and many people have seen there work. Also many people have seen Takahashi's works (urusei yatsura, ranma 1/2, inuyasha, etc.)

So those were just some really classic anime, and anime directors (that im sure you know about so I should have even mentioned them)
Stuff like that is classic and almost everyone has seen them. Basicly only teens watch alot. Adults mainly watch classic stuff like what I just mentioned, they probably dont watch much else (just the stuff they grew up with)

I think anime is probably more popular then anything else on Japanese TV. Notice how anime is high-budget high-quality productions, while everything else is cheaply done. Anime is EXTREMLEY popular. It must get better ratings then everything else to get such high budgets.

I think the only other thing that adults like, besides the classics, is seinen manga. That stuff is VERY mature and usualy apeals alot more to adults then teens.
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