Thread: All things NANA
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rayluber95 (Offline)
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Cool 07-31-2007, 03:27 AM

Sorry, I read a chapter in Shojen Jump or whatever it's called. It's good, I guess. Can someone please explain wat a live action thingy you just said is? I hear all the time on these kinda sites but no one will tell me wat it is!!! Anyways, are you an adult? I'm trying to find adults who actually read manga. LOL. Unsuccesfull so far...

People keep saying that flying is the safest way to travel, but I've never seen a tricycle get hijacked by terrorists. OHMIGAWD~!!! I just burned all your butts! Put that in your juice box and suck it advertisers!

Someone should sue red bull for false advertising. It does NOT give you wings...I found that out the hard way...

What we do today will forever echo throughout don't screw it up.
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