Thread: Ancafe
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(#791 (permalink))
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Jo_Kittie (Offline)
Still owns Uruha's ass.
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07-31-2007, 04:43 AM

Jag fattar inte mycket av danska och inte heller norska, men ni kanske fattar vad jag säger? n__n Jag föredrar engelska framför allt annat förutom svenska.

I totally had to do that. n__n I've counted up to at least eight Swedish people in here. Where of two more lives in my town. HAHA. And one of them ADORES An Cafe form her heart, which I taught her. -proudizm-

And I adore them too, thus why I'm posting unneccessary posts in here. XD

x麗 性x


Uruha, Bou, Yuuto, Shiyuu, Yuuichi, Yomi, Hiko, Hide, Zero
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