Questions -
08-01-2007, 01:31 AM
Hey everyone, I'm new here. I just started learning Hiragana yesterday >_< I already have vowels and k/g + vowels down, but I have some questions.
Is there a software I can download which lets me type in Hiragana on the computer?
What's the Romanji for "good"? Ii?
What's the Romanji for "no"? Ie or Iie?
Romanji for "red"? Aka or Akai? Is the i at the end silent?
Romanji for "big"? Ookii or oki or okii or ooki?
Romanji for "air"? Kuki or kuuki?
Romanji for "airport"? Kuukou or kukou?
I'm having trouble with the double vowels. I know you're supposed to pronounce the previous hiragana for twice as long, but when you translate it to Romanji I don't know if you're supposed to write the second one or not.
Thank you!
BTW, Romanji does mean Romatization right? If it doesn't I'm going to feel really dumb >_<
Last edited by KoiFishie : 08-01-2007 at 03:27 AM.
Reason: typos