konbanwa! watashi wa BruceLee-sensei! wwww (japanese people type "w" just as we type lol. and sometimes type wwww just like lololo!!! im not exactly sure but i think it stands for "warou"? means laugh?) watashi wa amerika-jin desu, soshite( and? spelling;
watashi wa nihongo ga sukoshi wakarimasu. yoroshiku!
ive only started to slowly learn japanese about 2 weeks ago. i usually listen to audio lessons in my car on the way to work. for begginers i recommend them as the programs i been usin has been helping a lot.
i downloaded all the lessons through torrent
1. go to isohunt.com and search pimsleur japanese. download the first one with like the first 30 lessons are each like 30minutes long.
2. also i learned basic mandarin through chinesepod.com, so for japanese i just downloaded the lessons but have not listened to them yet.
you can register and use the website free for 7 days. can always just register another email adress to keep using the site.
hope this helps.