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Nyororin (Offline)
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08-02-2007, 01:18 PM

Thinking about this a bit more, and reading MMM`s response...

If we were in the US, more than likely, we would go the 100% Japanese route in the home. However, in Japan the opposite is impossible.
Why? Because my husband does not speak English, and has no interest in learning. As there are only two major recognized paths for bilingualism - One person one language, and Different language in the home - I would have to speak to my son in a language my husband does not speak. I would be essentially shutting him out of our world. Everyone says "Well, he`d just have to learn then." but it`s not nearly that simple. Already, as he is working and his time with our son is limited to begin with - it would be making another wall between them.

It isn`t worth it in my eyes. If my son wants to learn later on, he can. Bilingualism isn`t something you have to obtain during early childhood.

Although, to be quite honest, it`s really a moot point right now as my son can`t speak anything at all yet.

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