08-02-2007, 09:34 PM
this question/questions like this are asked numerous times on numerous forums. :/ do a little search, answers`ll come up rather quickly. =w=;; mine is rather rushed and simplistic, but here`s the basics.
your question asks for hair products, so - hair spray, molding rubber, wax pomade, etc. some products have different names but are the same thing. when it comes to brands, i don`t know what exactly each and every j.rocker uses, but Gatsby`s big in Japan, works well. i`m sure most of them use professional products from well-known brands - redken, paul mitchell, etc.
you can buy almost everything in existence online. hurray for AlGore. also, depending on where you live, you may or may not find places like hair salons and hair+beauty boutiques that sell hair products. you can even buy hair products in chains like wal*mart and longs drugs, if in USA. if you`re looking for something Japanese, like Gatsby stuff, you can probably find it at one of the larger Japanese markets, like Mitsuwa or Nijiya.