HIDDEN-FORBIDDEN-HOLY GROUND// *go there at 12:00 am. (i think this is how it goes
You will hear a girl crying and fall into a coma in a week.
*Touch the sign on the altar and you will be PKed by Tri-edge.
HIDDEN-FORBIDDEN-RADIATION(the place with the waterfalls)//*use a special item (what item? Please tel me!) and you will be taken to the pathway that leads to the (chapel?) area behind the falls.
HIDDEN-FORBIDDEN-HADES//* go there at 4:44:44....uh...AM(?) and you will hear a cat meowing. leave in 4 seconds or you will fall into a come in the real world.
**sory for so many things I am unsure of. Try the coma ones please and tell me if they work. Also, the times listed follow the real world time (most likely the one set for PS2)