Thread: Pitagora Switch
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08-03-2007, 02:13 AM

Originally Posted by Nyororin View Post
On the net you only ever see the pitagora souchi and algorithm march - which is really only a tiny tiny portion of the show.

We watch it everyday. My son hates the algorithm march and taisou, but loves Pita and Gora, and will jump with joy when Terebi no John comes out. My *husband* is a Framey (sp?) fan and I personally like 10-pon Anime.

:P There is so much more to the show than just the bits that somehow became popular on the net.

Yea, you're right, Nyororin-san. I don't know why other bits are rather unknown...

At Nico Nico Douga, we can watch the whole 5 minute of "Pitagora Switch Mini" (including "Algorithm Taisou", "Kazoete Miyou", "Framy").
"Tunagari Uta (that's my another favourite!)", "Otousan Swicth" are uploaded, too.

It's pity that Nico Nico Douga requires registration for all viewers; besides, now it becomes pretty popular -- it takes several weeks to gain final admission!

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