08-03-2007, 05:57 AM
I’m reading Hot Blooded Girl, this manhwa is hillarious, Hajie the main character is a super active girl, love to eat, fight and love her posistion as a gangster Boss in school. Park Sinwu and Jung Hanso the two main guy character (Which are so cool and kakkoi!) like Hajie. Hanso is a typical Psiko rebelion guy, and his love is deadly. He better bring Hajie crash with him rather than to see her close with someone else.
While Park sinwu is a calm guy and never can say what he feel inside.
*+*+wATAsHi NO kAZokU+*+*
Musume : SakuranoNamida
Otousan : Aoshishinomori
Okaasan : NanteNa
Oniisan : Zagato, Kay
Onesan : MusicLuver,YukiNnight
Samurai : Kurishi (Rikisui)
Trainer to : Sutiiven