Thread: *Good Teacher*
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CrimsonNataku (Offline)
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01-04-2007, 04:44 PM

Originally Posted by SamuraiAlchemistNinja View Post
There are some things that are the same as in English (structure wise) such as when describing something (unlike in spanish/french) the description comes first:
example: "Kore wa aoi kuruma desu" meaning "this blue car/ this is a blue car" "aoi" meaning blue and "kuruma" meaning car.

It is also a good idea to learn particles and where they are used; it helps when speaking fluently to know how and which words to connect using which particles.
That's a very good point, SamuraiAlchemistNinja, however, I would like to point out a minor thing, which is that "Kore wa aoi kuruma desu" only means "This is a blue car."

"This blue car" would actually be "Kono aoi kuruma." "Kono" is similar to "Kore," they both mean "This." The only difference is that "Kore" is a noun, whereas "Kono" is an adjective and always modifies a noun.

"To teach is to learn." - Japanese Proverb

Last edited by CrimsonNataku : 01-04-2007 at 04:47 PM.
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