Originally Posted by Morbidachan
Well, in the JDorama Hana Yori Dango all the bad people who beat people up are black - both in Japan and in New York, and in the JDorama Ikebukuro West Gate Park some "bad" people are also black. So I'm pretty sure there are some prejudice :P
good lord... your gona base japans views on black people on a Tv Show?
sorry to be rude but that was jus ... wow....
i jus find that a very horrible reference.
if you can find me a news report of black people causing trouble in japan, go ahead and post it.
but a tv show or novel? common now.
Since my time in japan i've never ran into any one who hated black people or prejudice against them.
or any people of ANY race.
gettin sick of posts like
" i dunno if i wana go to japan cuz im *insert race here*"
Japanese are very polite people.
there are VERY few places i know that are Japanese only.
such as a few onsens and whatnot
and i cant even go into onsens cuz of my inkwork.