08-04-2007, 02:58 AM
I have a few tips and suggestions:
-Pack light!! (I think this is the first tip always given, but trust me.. unless you're being picked up in a car, you don't want to pack more than one small-medium suitcase)
-make sure you have a good chunk of money extra (for shopping and such of course). Trust me, you'll see a million things you'll want. (haha)
-Also bring a good chunk of money for the trams, phones, vending machines, etc. (Emergencies of course as well! I suggest keeping at least $100-$200 aside)
-Grab a map.. or even two in English & Japanese. It'll help a lot of you get lost or you're trying to find one place in particular. (Duh! Right? haha)
-Quite a few people I ran into spoke at least a pinch of English, so don't be too worried about that.. but still best to know some basics in case you get turned around.
-learn the words associated with hotels, numbers, and trams! ..all I could do was point at my ticket and look around to indicate I was looking for the exact station. (Though you'll catch on quickly if you have someone show you how to work the machines and lines a few times)
-Make sure you have everything planned from where you're staying to how you're going to get everywhere/how much money you'll be spending everywhere.
I don't have many other tips/suggestions.. but i'm sure others will give you more and even better ones. Take care~ I hope your plans go well dear.
"Even if a leapord sleeps at the end of your bed like a kitten, it still has the power to tear out your throat."