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JF Ossan
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08-04-2007, 04:11 AM

Originally Posted by yoshimi View Post

Yes I can speak pretty good mandarin too. I can even speak cantonese as I've been speaking the dialect to my family since I was a little girl. However, for these languages I'm sure the schools in Japan would prefer to employ those from China or Hong Kong right? People from these countries will tend to have a better command of the language than me at least.
I wouldn't be so sure. A lot of these schools are more businesses than schools, and the goal is to keep people coming to classes more than it is to internationalize the Japanese population. "The Look" is what gets people coming to classes and buying more hours.

Simply put, Japanese don't want to learn English from someone from Asia. (Though I wonder how students can learn one day from a Scotsman, the next from an Australian, the next from a Canadian, etc.) I would investigate the Chinese language route. I think you may have better luck.
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