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ButterflyDemise (Offline)
Posts: 344
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Location: USA
08-04-2007, 04:18 AM

Originally Posted by lpdirufangirl09 View Post
well, for now, i just want to know i can get the money to even take the flight. when i know i'm going, then i'll get money for everything else. =p
Ah, I see. Good luck to you then~ But it might be a while before you go if you'd still need to save up for spending and such ^^; maybe even double the months for your ticket.

Oh, and be sure to buy your ticket a month or two ahead of time.. a)it'd be cheaper and b) you'll have a good amount of seats to choose from. haha~

"Even if a leapord sleeps at the end of your bed like a kitten, it still has the power to tear out your throat."
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