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Suki (Offline)
armed with a mind
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Location: Barcelona. beach side yeah!
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08-04-2007, 10:43 AM

Hi there! Sorry I haven't posted earlier ^.^

Originally Posted by laurel View Post
By the way, the expo will be held at Barcelona, too!? Wow, I feel glad and proud to know that so many foreign people love Japanese culture (≧∇≦)
Yes, every year and during 4 days a Manga Expo is held in Barcelona. We even have this channel that only broadcasts dubbed anime

Originally Posted by laurel
I see. One of my tutors (he is a native British guy) told us that English is rather complicated language; people all over the world use English not because it is easy, but because it is the heritage of British Empire.
You think so? Well, it is obvious that we use English because it is the most extended language of the world but also it is way easier than many others.

You should see how many verb tenses Spanish has!! I think it would take a life time for a non-Spanish speaker to get used to them all.

Originally Posted by laurel
I checked dictionary and guessed the meaning of each word; but I can't understand the syntax of "ludo mentis aciem". These words seem to indicate "play, whim", "mind" and "look", but I'm not sure what this line exactly means. If you have some suggestion, will you tell me, please?
You cannot translate it literally. Prepositions are not used in Latin so you can add them if you want and the sentence won't change its meaning. I wouldn't know how to translate this but I've found the translation for you:

As far as I can deduce:

ludo mentis aciem, ............... now pampers our feelings with its game
egestatem, potestatem =..... poverty, power
dissolvit ut glaciem............... it melts them like ice.

Listology: Lyrics and Translation to "O Fortuna" from "Carmina Burana" - composer: Carl Orff

Hope it helps!

Originally Posted by laurel
Oh, I see. We Japanese do not have hot dish during Summer; but -- do you hear something about "我慢大会" (gaman taikai: patience competition)?
It is a game to prove one's own endurance. People wear warm, thick clothes and eat hot food even though the temperature is more than 30c degree!!
I wonder if the participants are a bunch of masochists or not ...
Jeez that's crazy! O.O I mean, they must be paid a nice bunch of money, otherwise I don't see why anyone would want to be put through such torture!

Originally Posted by laurel
learn how to wear kimono!
Learn...? So there're 'kimono lessons' to teach girls how to wear it?

everything is relative and contradictory ~
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