Originally Posted by SaginumaEki
Yeah...however, every time one of the ryuugakusei caused trouble, they would blame the host. Hahaha. It was sooo funny. I brought my iPod to school one time, and they yelled at my host brother. I felt SO bad. But it was cool. He didn't care. Basically, everything we did was blamed on the host students. If we went to karaoke, they'd yell at the hosts. And we wouldn't get in trouble at all. ALso, all the host moms were such sweeties and let us do what we wanted. LOVE THEM.
Well, that's great that your host brother took the fall for you. That's very common for Japanese hosts to do for guests. Maybe what you weren't quite catching was that the teacher or principal or whoever didn't have direct authority over YOU so he had to direct the rule to the person he did have authority to. You may have felt like "he didn't care" but now that kid has (or had) a mark on his record until graduation.