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kireikoori (Offline)
Haplogroup N(Y-DNA)
Posts: 218
Join Date: Jun 2007
Location: The Celestial Ocean
08-06-2007, 06:08 AM

Originally Posted by SaginumaEki View Post
I miss them so much. Ugh!
I know how that feels. I haven't seen mine in over three years. It's driving me crazy.

I only messed up on the shoes thing once. When they went to buy me clothes at the local mall and I went in the local dressing room I was still wearing my shoes. And they had to tell me I needed to take them off. For some reason I didn't figure that you had to take your shoes off in there as well. Stupid me. For the most part I didn't make too many mistakes. Boy I swear I was more self conscious and nervous there than I had ever been in my whole life. And my homestay family could tell too. They were always trying to get me to relax and stuff.

*sigh* They did so much for me. Insisting to buy me clothes and stuff. Taking me to the beach. It was so wonderful. They're so wonderful.

Ah, sorry for going of on a tangent like that. This isn't my topic afterall.

Q: Who cares what other people think?!?!
A: Japanese people do.
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