Thread: Going to Japan.
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08-06-2007, 04:27 PM

Originally Posted by Aiyuuji View Post
Everyone seems to be going to japan for all the wrong reasons these days but anyways im going on a trip at the start of next year its really to get over the initial shock of a international flight and so on because ive never even been on a plane on my own.
If you didnt already know im a traniee english teacher and im just going on a short break there befor i have to go there for a year to be a teacher im looking forward to it but i want some time to explore first.

So to anyone who has been already or even people who live there, where are good places to go? I dont really want to looking like a otaku because thats just not me i want to see japan not a anime shop.

I see people asking silly questions and i am looking into nice places to go. My friend is meeting in Narita But i dont know if hes going to take me to any good places during my stay.

Oh and i would love someone to help me with my Kanji im not so great at it also someone who i can write romaji with or even talk japanese with so i can brush up on my japanese before i go there

Anyways TIPSSSSS are loved places good resturaunts la de da...
mmm seems no one likes to search or read other posts now adays.
i think i've personally answered these types of questions at least 4-5 times already.

First: i dont think theres ANY wrong reason to go to japan.

If you like anime and wana go to the home of where its created and whatnot. i wouldnt see that as a bad reason.

Hell i came here b/c me and my friends fliped a coin to see what country we would visit next. was kinda a spur the moment thing.

and i've been here 8 times now since then and currently here for 3 months.

Second: you dont mention where in Japan you are gonna be...

its like asking.. hey im goin to England or America, where should i go or visit.

so your question is very vague.

i could tell you bla bla bla Shibuya or Mt. Fuji but i have no idea where your staying.

Not to be mean or a jerk or any thing like that
but for people to help ya out you should give a general area of where you will be staying.

if Tokyo i recommend you goin thru a few posts and find people who asked the same thing.

Also lil background of what you want to see also.

temples?, amusment parks?, shopping?, crazy styles?

also i dont consider many questions silly, some people just are really curious about japan.

If your interested in japan and the culture thats good enough reason to go.

so help us help you by giving a lil more info and also checkin out earlier posts


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