Originally Posted by Shidash
Is it possible to become a manga-ka before I am an adult? Should I write it in English or Japanese (I plan on being fluent in Japanese before I write manga). I wouldn't mind working with someone in Japan even though I live in the US but I also wouldn't mind writing American manga. To me, manga and anime are the same no matter what country they come from as long as they stay true to the original art style and qualities that Japanese anime and manga have.
A: No, you do not need to be an adult.
B: If all you know is english, for now, write in english, if you eventualy move to Japan, Japanese would be expected, but as long as your in the US (or wherever you are) english is expected.
C: If you or anyone else has any more questions, then assume the answer is "yes" because with manga, there are no rules.