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Lilongyue (Offline)
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Location: Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province, P.R.C
Maybe something other than teaching? - 08-07-2007, 04:05 PM

I'm an American studying Chinese, and plan to use my Chinese language skills to find work once I've finished school. If you are interested in doing international business, or some job where you utilize your language ability (since you speak three languages) you might have better luck finding work in an international company than an English school. The pay will also be better. For those who are trilingual, there is a lot of work other than teaching English that can be found. Have you considered learning Japanese? If you could speak Japanese, that combined with your three other languages would make you very valuable to a company who does business with the West, China and Hong Kong. If I were you I'd consider that as an option.

One of the reasons I'm learning Chinese is to get out of teaching English. Languages are very valuable. For some reason Chinese rarely think of using their language ability as a means of income. There are many Chinese in America, but such a shortage of Chinese-English Interpreters that there are cases sitting around waiting to go to trial! Most Chinese parents think that their children should be doctors, engineers, etc., and completely overlook the value of their children speaking two languages.
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