Originally Posted by Shidash
I do look at the wider varieties. I am not trying to say that anime and manga has a certain style, I am trying to say that people in countries other than Japan can create anime and manga with enough work in the right direction. Currently I am considering leaving this forum because I feel unwelcome enough to do so. I will stay one more week and see if I am convinced to stay.
I apoligize If I came off as unfreindly, that wasnt my intention. I wasnt trying to blame anyone of anything, the conversation itself was just reminding me of a praticularly anoying conversation I had with somone before...
I also see how: "Dont ask anymore qustions, do whatever you want" could seem unfreindly, I litteraly just meant that you should do whatever you want.
Please stay on this thread I would feel terrible if I drove somone off of a thread just because of a few misunderstandings.