Originally Posted by SamuraiAlchemistNinja
Very true. I've been doin Hiragana for about two weeks...okay, well, here's Sore/sono, are/ano and dore/dono:
Sono/Sore- that (over there.) The object is further from, but not by much.
Ano/Are- that (way over there.) The object is much further from you than when using "sono" or "sore."
Dono/Dore- which (usually of three or more items) Like, "Which is blue?" (Dore ga aoi desu ka?)
Also, "sono/sore" is used when the object being described is close to the listener, "kono/kore" is used when the object being described is close to the speaker, and "ano/are" is used when the object being described is far from both the speaker and the listener.
Originally Posted by lady_kyoko
Hmm...well, i haven't learned all the particles in the language, so it would be nice if you could list them along with what meaning they have ^^.
...There are over 70 particles...^_^; I don't think it would be possible to list them all.