Originally Posted by Shidash
Sorry, I just overreact a lot. I am interested in Japan and I will stay here. But I don't have too much to contribute yet and that is why I ask questions. I do appreciate the answers I get. I hope to go from someone asking questions to someone who can answer them but that will take some time. I shouldn't be accusing people of flaming or saying I will quit. I will stay. Sometimes I can get really down about some of the things people say but I should try and appreciate the good parts more.
Shidash, you are young (and that's OK), but if you are going to hang out on an all-ages forum, you need to be prepared to play with the big boys and girls. No one says anything to hurt you, and if you are hurt by it then I think you are over-thinking it a bit. Flame wars and the like DO happen, but as long as you are civil and keep a straight head and stay on topic, it should never happen. If it does report it on the sticky in the General Discussion part, and other people will do the same. You will see people defend each other here when someone is being obnoxious, so don't worry. As long as you act in a reasonable fashion, no one will gang up on you.
If you really really are getting down about what people say, then maybe you should take a break, for you. Forums like this are used by nice people, and people just playing around. Regardless, you can't take anything people say too seriously. No one thinks ill thoughts of Shidash, so don't worry about it. None of us really know you (or each other) so when you are here, be Shidash, and when you are not, put Shidash to bed and don't think about her.
When I say "contribute" I don't necessarily mean "provide information". Simply asking good questions and giving your opinions is all I would ask. I know I know more about Japan than a lot of people here because I have lived and worked there and speak the language. I enjoy answering questions for people, so that's why I come here.