Originally Posted by fara7
Hi Maki,
Yesterday i heard that the The storm Usaji has hit Southern Japan and it was like The second storm in one month. Is entire Japan an earthquake and Storm Prone Country or there are some places which haven't seen such disasters.
I hope your area is not in danger.
Ok Take care.
Hi fara chan!
Thank you for your post
In summer, we have lots of hurricanes (in Japanese 台風: taihuu); generally, however, they pass just south part of Japan.
As for earthquake... it is frequent, but usually it is very weak: we sometimes do not notice there is one.
Luckily, my hometown is not in the route of hurricane. On the other hand, we have rather frequent earthquake. Still, I never feel my house is in danger. I have a friend who lives in Kagoshima, where hurricanes frequently pass; she never says she'd like to move to somewhere. Though it sounds dangerous, we get accustomed to these natural disasters