Originally Posted by BaridaChan
I have read:
Para Kiss
very good I might add
sad ending but it was sweet
Full Moon O Shigashite
I thought the art was amazing. The story was good too. Very kawaii^_^
About a girl that is TOO nice, cuz I woulda kicked sumbody's booty if it was me! lol but it was sweet too. Ending was nice, but it was only 5 books. It's by Yuu Watase
I have also read a lot more but haven't read the whole series like I did the ones I listed and I'm starting now and a comedy that's BRAN NEW and buying as it comes out (Only have the first two books out now though so those are the only ones readable and I have them...) but when that series has finished I'll have read it all and I will tell you how Aoi House is^_^
yeah i like yuu watase's book but it's short the longest book is to volume 18 called fushigi yugi (the mysterious play) and imodoki (nowadays) is good too try reading absolute boyfriend it's really good