Originally Posted by KohanaIto
this isnt an action story...but yes there is gore in it if thats what your saying. this is more of a mystery/adventure story
so for you, you like mystery and adventure...okay so then where's the adventure...a comic book can actually be put into words (more words make better pictures (kinda liek a good book, it makes the picture for yo uin your head) see what I'm getting at...you have an idea, cool (there's no new story, to many humans, too much time) now flesh it out, you got the bones, now you need ligaments, cartalidge, tendons, muscle, skin, hair(hair being the side quests, kinda like clamp with tsubasa and xxxholic) I draw a ton, i also write, but i don't mix them (makes for a some scrambled ideas...you can tell when someone's writing and someone's drawing or when someone's making it up as they go along)