Thread: Ancafe
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(#866 (permalink))
clairebear (Offline)
Posts: 2,561
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Location: Scotland
08-09-2007, 12:12 PM

Originally Posted by whitetwilight View Post
Lalala, I should read blogs more often.
I always feel so uninformed..
Gah, though, saw an AnCafe pic in July FOOL'S MATE...
Their new lineup is interesting, but I kinda feel like their look isn't quite meshing yet.
I mean, it used to be that Miku and Bou were crazy/pretty, and then Teruki and Kanon balanced it with calmer/pretty.
I still don't like what's-his-face....
oh come on, he's alright XD
mr curly hair's actually really sweet, he posts cute blog entries so he's a nice guy :3

*here i am going on about blogs again* >_>
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