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(#26 (permalink))
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CrimsonChobit (Offline)
My Merro Sweet Merro RIP
Posts: 42
Join Date: Aug 2007
Location: In a undisclosed location
^_^ - 08-09-2007, 10:26 PM

What attracted me to or caught my eye about manga is the stories for the most part my first manga ever was Preatear ,What got me into manga the most is how captivating a manga can really be ,for me it's like I see myself as the character or in the world that the characters live in as if I'm seeing through there eyes ,I guess It's kind of hard to explain.But either way that's the best explanation I can come up with ,without it becoming really confusing.

And so I shall forget him not,even though this world was cruel enough to let him go even if he will never know how much I truly cared,these tears of blood are always there....

My love my sweet sweet Mihael Keehl Known to the world as Merro"Mello" known to me as
true love and torture.

And even though he has passed he remains
coiled deep within me like a vine of thorns around my swollen heart.

I'm Part of the
*Hello Kitty Clan*

Last edited by CrimsonChobit : 08-09-2007 at 10:29 PM.
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