Thread: Evangelion
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Maester (Offline)
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01-07-2007, 10:21 PM

Originally Posted by Kanji_The_Wanderer View Post
I don't know the story behind Gundam Destiny, but in Gundam Wing there is a massive war between 3 forces.

One of them is the Space Colonies orbiting Earth and other areas wanting independence from the Earth and having their own laws and government. The Earth Leaders want to keep a hold onto the colonies. A war breaks out between the 2 but eventually they both want peace and are trying to convince the other to discard all there weapons.

oh course this is just the jist of it. There is much more to the show and it gets very deep and involved between the warring nations
That's not very correct Kanji-san, there's just 1 war, the war against the "Naturalists"...

Can you imagine what i could do, if i would do all i can. - Sun Tzu

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