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Nyororin (Offline)
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08-12-2007, 04:42 PM

Originally Posted by airielchan View Post
Were you very fluent when you first began living in Japan?
Not at all. I believe I could greet people, and stumble through letting them know basic needs (I`m hungry, I`m thirsty, Where is the toilet? etc level.)

If not, how long did it take you to become so?
I was able to communicate well using gestures and small drawings in addition to language after about 2 months. I could stumble through a phone conversation after about 3. I`d say I reached real competency after around 4 or 5 months.
I met my husband after 6 months, and he wouldn`t believe I wasn`t Japanese and just pretending not to be at first. (Our early communication was through email and messenger.)

Did you just learn from being around others, or did you enroll in classes there to learn the language?
No formal classes in Japan... I took a little university class before coming over here, but it basically only gave me the basics of the basics.
I just learned it by being around everyone and by desperately wanting to communicate.

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