08-14-2007, 11:03 PM
;__; There are so many threads on this topic, can;t we make one giant onne? XD
Also yeh agreed, I acutally don;t know when people started called the fashion/styles "Harajuku" D; Although my suspicions lie in Gwen Stefani... There are looads of styles.
Actually wait, you mentioned "including lolita,ganguru,and visual kei." Sorry. Hmm well, i've never seen a blend of that before but should be interesting. Be sure to get some picturds uppp : D
Also eh, I just dress the way want rly and always have since the age of 9... XD I HATE attention and I hate being stared at but I feel fine when i'm with friends and I don;t dress all "crazy" all the time, just maybe...5 days out of 7...It also depends on my mood. If I get up in the mornings and it's like "YAAY" I dress up "crazier" than usual and then sometimes I just go out in me jeans, hoodie and a t-shirt. I still have my 309258023 layers of eye make-up though ;o
Also I tend to change "style" quite often. I go through one phase and buy fuckloads of shite for it and then only wear it like once and move on ;o