Originally Posted by Touya
I'm not sure about official, but the best website for S.K.I.N. is SKIN-online.net . If you need to know. It's there, for the most part. They're still working on it too.
Yeah, that one's not Official, but it is packed with a lot of info about S.K.I.N. And as far as I've seen, the info seems to be correct. Only S.K.I.N. can confirm that though.
@ Nante-na~ Here is a link to a thread that I started up. I posted a lot of S.K.I.N. videos from Youtube on it. Enjoy!
http://www.japanforum.com/forum/japa...l-website.html <
Note: This is not an "Official" site / forum. I asked the mods to change the title. xD