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gaijzilla (Offline)
JF Regular
Posts: 40
Join Date: Jun 2007
Location: Maebashi, Gunma, Japan
Your Mission, Should I Choose to Accept It: Osaka - 08-15-2007, 02:16 PM

I'm taking an impulse trip from Maebashi to Osaka (4 hrs on the bullet train). The journey is based on no more than a few days of free time and a specific stuffed animal found only at the Osaka aquarium.

Since this trip is spurred by a most particular mission (the acquisition of a certain strange stuffed animal), I am requesting other missions to fill my time.

Got a rumor of a restaurant with meals meriting a mouthful?
A glimpse of graffiti on a train station bathroom wall?
An urban legend you need dispelled so you can sleep at night?
Want to live vicariously through my experiences, various and sundry?

Send me your dearest dreams and ideas, the fun, the fantastical, the utterly bizarre.

I will take the best suggestions and post them on my website along with a detailed story of the events that follow.

(Please give me as much detail as possible- such as specific location. The more information I have, the more likely the mission will be accomplished.)

I will leave tomorrow morning (Thursday, August 16 2007) and arrive in Osaka sometime in the early afternoon. I’ll be there until Sunday night or until the (mis)adventures run out.

True confessions of a small town blonde beauty, sent deep into the heart of Japan to school wild children. Witness her lonely descent into MADNESS and DESPAIR!
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