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gloomth (Offline)
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08-15-2007, 07:46 PM

Originally Posted by Mabuikoneko View Post
Wow Thank you um I don't have a sewing machine so I did somethings by hand, I created a barbie doll dress which came out some what nice but a little to tight, I brang it to a Fashion High School and they accepted me to go there and attend accept declined it because i thought I might be able to finish school earlier if i stay here but i wasn't thinking i could have finish college earlier if i went to that high school

well fashion HIGH SCHOOL is definitely different than post secondary i can assure you.

a high school doesnt really care what your specific interest in the arts may be as they may want to expose you to a variety before you finish high school, thus your previous knowledge or skillset in a specific field wont be a problem- as most everyone changes their end goal a thousand times during high school. a "fashion" high school would perhaps teach you the skills you need to attend a fashion program at a post secondary level.

think of it this way- would you get accepted easily to harvard law if you had NEVER taken a single law class or english in high school? Nope.
Specific fields require specific skills.

even if you dont go to an arts or fashion high school youll need basic sewing skills to attend a post secondary institution to pursue your goal.

i have NEVER seen a post secondary arts institution that doesnt want to do a portfolio interview prior. and let me tell you, those interviews can be vicious.

As far as sewing machines go. you can get them SO CHEAPLY nowadays- dont hesitate. and it doesnt have to be some serger pro unit or anything. you can get them at yard sales and they have EXTREMELY long lifetimes and are eay to maintain. most reputable machine stores will refurbish old ones and sell them for $50 with a warranty, which is definitely worth checking out if youre serious about fashion as a career. or you can get even cheaper ones that are often sold in newspapers etc. just take the machine to a singer store or sewing machine store and they can recalibrate and refurbish it for usually $20-30 dollars.

then go to the library and read everything you can find about fashion and sewing and design. learn color, learn fabric, give yourself the best base you can get before doing this as it sure isnt easy once youre on your own.

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