08-15-2007, 08:18 PM
If you want visual kei-style clothing, there are a crapload of clothing stores (mostly run by Japanese punks) in the East Village that have similar styles. Just walk down St. Mark's Place (3rd avenue & 8th street). If you don't know how to get there, take the 6 to Astor Pl or the R, W, N, Q, 4, 5, 6, or L to Union Square. Most of it is vintage punk clothes, but there's some visual styles as well. I recommend Search & Destroy (you can usually hear Shiina Ringo blasting from this store) and Trash & Vaudeville. Everything basically costs $25+. Trash & Vaudeville also has a shoe store located right underneath it, where you can find reasonably priced punk shoes (creepers, converse... uhh... I don't know the names of shoes).
But your real problem is your lack of money, right? Usually schools process working papers for students, so ask your school to give you working papers (you'll need a doctor's note saying you're healthy enough to work, and photo ID verification with your birthday on it). Once you have your working papers, go around looking for a job; I recommend waitressing (but it's unlikely you'll get hired). You can resort to retail or supermarket work, or work at your local library (not sure if that's paid, actually). You can also do babysitting. Next year, you should apply for SYEP (Student Youth Employment Program), a summer job program for students in NYC. You get paid $7~8 per hour on that program; it ends in August, though.
