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LoreZyra (Offline)
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Exclamation Koseki & name - 08-16-2007, 03:06 PM

Originally Posted by vulgarshudder View Post
Are you going on your future wife's koseki? ...please enlighten me! Also why...Japanese name/alias? Any particular reason?


If my wife's family "adopts" me into their family, then I will be added to their koseki touhon. This typically happens with marriage... one side of the family will "adopt" the other... Historically, this also meant that the "adopted" would move in with the family -- literally joining the family.

There are many reasons why I would want to use a Japanese name. I've been to Japan enough times to see how subtly racist Japanese are... If they see you as strictly a tourist, they will remain kind to you... However, there are many that will deny you access/previledges based on the fact you are not Japanese. For example, when you're looking for an apartmaent (on your own), the landlord can deny your application just because you have an American name. Despite the fact that's illegal by Japanese law, there's no law that requires a reason for the denial... Plus, I've seen Japanese men look down upon the Japanese ladies whom married a gaijin. If my (future) wife tells them my name, they will assume Japanese. In terms of job searches, companies will give my resume (CV) higher consideration if they (initially) believe that I'm Japanese. I know that this will become a conversation piece when I arrive at the job interview...

Japanese don't mean to be racist... Less than 10% of the population is composed of gaijin... It's easy for them to forget that other people exists outside their neighborhood... Of course, the big cities are used to seeing gaijin. That doesn't make them more tolerant of us...

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