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(#28 (permalink))
LoreZyra (Offline)
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Arrow The Young... - 08-16-2007, 03:31 PM

Originally Posted by SaginumaEki View Post
I was in Japan for 2 months,...even though I lived in Kawasaki and commuted to Yokohama/Tokyo everyday.

1) I never saw one of those "Japanese Only" signs. ...
2) Japanese people have a lot of so-called stereotypes for different nationalities. ...

2 months in Japan hardly qualifies as an expert observation... Plus, you were around the big cities... you haven't ventured out of the safety of Tokyo... Japanese are typically benevolent towards kids. You wouldn't typically experience any harsh lashes direct toward you...

I've traveled all over Japan. From Okinawa to Fukuoka, Kobe, Osaka, and Kyoto. And all around Tokyo. I've been to Sapporo in beautiful Hokkaido.
Granted I haven't lived there for more than a month at a time, I've seen all types of Japanese people over the years. I've traveled through the rural townes of Hyogogen -- between Kyoto and Osaka.
Many are very surprised to find an American "tourist" that understands Japanese. No matter how long you've been there, they will always comment on your language skills. Initially, it's nice... and then it starts to get annoying. Makes you feel like a baby that did something neat.

Tell me your "life" experiences in Japan when you have _lived_ there for over five years...

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