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(#32 (permalink))
LoreZyra (Offline)
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Arrow Kids' forum? - 08-17-2007, 01:27 AM

Originally Posted by SaginumaEki View Post
I never said it was a "life" experience. It was just my experience in Japan. I don't understand why you mentioned people saying your Japanese was good.
Plus, most of the people here are of highschool or college age, and they're all worried about going to Japan for some reason or other. ... Again, they didn't really have any problems. Maybe it's because we're kids. But whatever. No need to flame.
When you've been in Japan for a number of years, you will understand what I'm talking about... "jouzu desu ne..." 「上手ですね。。。」 Sure, you can look at it as encouraging... And all kids should be encouraged... But when you've lived in Japan for 10years and you're in your late 20's... it gets annoying. Eventually, they will sincerely compliment your language skills... telling you that you have truly mastered the language... And that takes at least a decade to accomplish...

Now that you mention it, most of the posts here do have the "kids" attitude/sound to it... I'm not a "kid" anymore. I'm in my late 20's and looking to experience the dream I had as a "kid." Now that I can afford it, I will go...

Don't take offense to objective critizism... I'm in no way lashing out at you... rather I'm simply pointing out that I've seen many things that you may not have seen...

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