Thread: Wii or PS3?
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thatkid (Offline)
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Posts: 36
Join Date: Dec 2006
01-09-2007, 12:01 AM

Remember all of the anticipation, waiting for the "next gen" systems to finally come out. Waking up early, and tuning into G4 tv's cinematech, just to watch those CG trailors you hoped to god were real. Sucking in as much info you could get, from magazines and gamestores. Everyone was hyped up for their purticular system, and thus the console wars started. The systems had not even been released and already, people all around the world, were in a constant debate. Which system would be the best? It started with rumors, like nintendo revolution , Y box. (they guessed the PS3). But as more information was unveiled by there makers, we began to use terms like "the 360", and "the wii". I remember discussions that would take up all of my class time and go through lunch, at my high school. School ends.... rush home.... ahhh, there doing a review on the new X-box! Gotta watch! After at least two years of this build up, none of these consoles lived up to the hype, and im left disapointed with the launch games that should have been better, And on top of that, all of the hardware problems PS3, and 360 faced. I sure hope they do a recall soon. The games were kind of midiocur, with an acception to ESO(eldar scrolls oblivion), and there was no variety, I MEAN COME ON NOW! GIVE A GAMER SOME EXCLUSIVES! Almost all of the games that have come out for the 360 are also coming out for its predicessor xbox, and on the PS3, you guys need to stop sharing! But i guess that in time, these systems will be pushed to there limits, with better games and all.... one game i want you 360 owners to look out for though is Huxley, a promising mmo fps/rpg. The general idea is to put all of the elements from a good MMO RPG, into a first person shooter style game. But dont let the big guns fool you, this game is highly immersive, but ill let you figure that one out for yourself. ill post some pics though, just to give you a feel for what it looks like....

Using all of my sick time...

Last edited by thatkid : 01-09-2007 at 12:12 AM.
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