Thread: Japanese Only!
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08-17-2007, 06:29 PM

Originally Posted by Suki View Post
Yeah, I did know that. My uncle went on a bussiness trip to Japan and told me all about it, and if I'm not mistaken, Liza Dalby (first non-Japanese woman to become a geisha) also points that out in her book.

I think professionality should be their priority, and forget about their cultural differences, because when it comes to bussiness (or at least that's what I reckon) nothing matters more than how effective the result is.

Ain't that a pity? I mean... you learn how to do something, you're meant to be paid for that, but instead it is your social abilities that counts. That's not right, in my opinion, but as you said, it is a complete different culture, they see things differently and it's cool, I don't have a problem with that if they like it this way, but that looks unfair to me.

Ooooook, I take that back. The Government should make sure every citizen is able to get a job in the country they were born but that does not necessarly mean that they have to lock themselves away from the rest of the world cause that would not be helping their economy either.

I know it's not as easy as it seems though, considering Japan's current situation.

Who's to blame if high-degreed people can't get a decent job? Being a taxi driver ain't what someone with a Medical Degree deserves, but that's for the Japanese Government to solve. That's what overpopulated countries have to face, it's always been like that.

[I've never been to Japan, but when the time comes for it to happen I'll sure as hell won't be going to McDonald's xDDDD]

Yeah you did a good job making me realize

If you want a high rank job in a company, either you're the boss's child or you've got to earn it by working your ass off. Fact.

Anyway, I think you got the point I wanted to make clear.

Yeah it might just come easy to me, but meh... I'm one in a milion lol

Now seriously, English is by far the easiest language I've ever heard of.

Well you just tell them that some words can be used as nouns and verbs. And then it's all about preposition usage.

Just letting you know you actually suceeded at that...

My pleasure.

Can I adopt you as my private lawyer?

Good for you, but I'm not making shit up when I say that many (not all of them, of course) Japanese people prefer to work with someone they can be sure will understand their cultural stuff, rather than a western person who knows nothing but their language.

haha ill be happy to be your private lawyer=)

*check the sig*=)

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