Shokugan No Shana -
08-17-2007, 09:30 PM
ok guys shokugan no Shana
How many of u guys have seen this Anime??
tell me, what do u think of it?
I really love the it, its a prettty good anime, and there are going roumors about a Shokugan No Shana II, it should be out somewhere in september^^
(BTW, as u can seee i am new, so plzz i appologize if there allready has bin a thread about this anime, couse i dont think so)
(my JP stage name is "SHIRO")
I WANNA SLEEP UNDER THAT CHERRY TREE; WITH YOU FOREVERI love you, don't you ever forget that My Familly so faaar ^^ Tasty cream pie - QuoyaNatsume
Big Bro - TheUnknown
Sexy Baloney Samwich - Churrah
Singin Partner - MusicLuver