Originally Posted by Tolbarizhei
hahah, well to answer that question.. lets see how it started..
the class started off normal, everyone came in, but the teacher never showed up to class (she was weird like that, she was little.. ditzy?) anywho.. and no substitute came to the class, nor did they tell us to relocate cuz thats what they are supposed to do... in any case!! it was a totally free period..and the most popular kids in the class started going to each kid who were the shyest and started asking them questions, and blah blah blah.. me im not a social person, so i was one that was asked.. and it eventually got to a point where they started asking me questions about girls and shit, and i wasnt interested in answering them, so they asked me, "are you gay?" and i looked the one who asked me and, "yeah, i am" lol.. one girl almost tried to see if i was telling the truth by putting her crotch in my face (eww, im sorry, allergic to pussy thanks) haha.. but thats how i came out, and thats how ive been since.. mind you after that i started running around the school telling everyone i was gay, so pretty muchi told 1500 people in one day ^_^
allergic 2 pussy did u break out in hives and rashes that day?