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Nyororin (Offline)
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08-18-2007, 12:57 PM

Originally Posted by LoreZyra View Post
If you don't have a _registered_ legal alias (that's printed on your gaijin card), then yes you must sign your name... Getting married doesn't give you a "legal" alias... you have to register it with your ARC (alien registration card)... If anyone gives you any problems with it, then simply show them your gaijin card and/or official certificate of registered alias (登録通称名). They would have no choice but to accept that as your name. Additionally, if you have a _registered_ hanko/inkan with a kanji name, then you can use your seal instead of signing... Just an FYI...
That is exactly what I was referring to. You cannot use it on anything *official*. For anything through the government, you MUST use the name on your passport.
I have a registered alias. I also have a registered inkan. However, for official documents, I have always had to use the name on my passport. It is actually required by law.

I`ve been married for 8 years now, got married in Japan, bought a house here, etc. Trust me, the places you can use your registered alias are indeed limited.

If anyone is trying to find me… Tamyuun on Instagram is probably the easiest.
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